Ark (2018/19)

Ark (2018/19)

oil painting, still life, old cultivar, old masters

Still lifes of rare, endangered old cultivars executed in the technique of the old masters. The series was a cooperation with  Arche Noah – Gesellschaft für die Erhaltung der Kulturpflanzenvielfalt & ihre Entwicklung, Schiltern, Lower Austria. In October 2019, an exhibition took place in the pavilion of Arche Noah together with Nina Ripbauer.

Oil on MDF, various dimensions.

Arche #1: Poro-Poro / Ei von Phuket / Serrano Purple, 35 x 35 cm.
Arche #2: Edamame / Zehn Minuten, 35 x 35 cm.
Arche #3: Großer Rheinischer Bohnapfel, 40 x 40 cm.
Arche #4: Roter von Simonffi, 40 x 40 cm.
Arche #5: Transsylvania, 44 x 44 cm.
Arche #6: Amethyst Jewel / Diamond / Tiroler Spitzlederer / Za Hara, 44 x 44 cm.
Arche #7: Pfälzer Gelbe / Domaća Kapulica Krk, 26 x 26 cm.
Arche #8: Quitte, 26 x 26 cm.
Arche #9: Quitte / Tiroler Spitzlederer, ∅ 30,5 cm.
Arche #10: Pfälzer Gelbe / Diamond / Za Hara / Weißes Ochsenherz, ∅ 30,5 cm.
Arche #11: Quitte / Blauapfel / Tiroler Spitzlederer / Großer Rheinischer Bohnapfel / Roter von Simonffi, ∅ 40 cm.
Arche #12: Poro-Poro / Ei von Phuket / Bastard / Weißes Ochsenherz / Edamame / Zehn Minuten / Serrano Purple / Amethyst Jewel / Sweet Banana / Pfälzer Gelbe / Sweet Chocolate / Transsylvania / Diamond / Domaća Kapulica Krk / Za Hara, ∅ 50 cm.
Arche #13: Sweet Banana / Sweet Chocolate / Serrano Purple, 35 x 35 cm.
Arche #14: General Leclerc, 26 x 26 cm.
Arche #15: Weißes Ochsenherz / Ei von Phuket / Bastard / Poro-Poro / Transsylvania, 40 x 40 cm.